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Preprints can be found here

Fadlon J., Li C., Prior A., and Gollan T.H. (2019). Using what's there: Bilinguals adaptively rely on orthographic and color cues to achieve language control. Cognition.


Fadlon J., Horvath J., Siloni T., and Wexler K. (2019). The verbal passive: No unique phrasal idioms. Language Science Press special volume.


Fadlon J., Morgan A.M., Meltzer Asscher A., and Ferreira V.S. (2019). It depends: structural choices in the production of filler-gap dependencies. Journal of Memory and Language, 106, 40-76.


Fadlon J., Horvath J., Siloni T., and Wexler K. (2018). The acquisition of idioms: Stages and theoretical implications. Glossa, 3(1), 99.


Fadlon J., Sassoon G.W., and Schumacher P. (2018). Discrete dimension accessibility in multidimensional concepts: The noun - adjective distinction. Mental Lexicon, 13(1), 105-142.  


Sassoon G. W. and Fadlon J. (2017). The role of dimensions in classification under predicates predicts their status in degree constructions. Glossa, 2(1), 42. 


Fadlon J. (2016). The transitive–unaccusative alternation: A cross-modal priming study. Journal of psycholinguistic research, 45(3), 671-696.


Meltzer-Asscher A., Fadlon J., Goldstein K., and Holan, A. (2015). Direct object resumption in Hebrew: How modality of presentation and relative clause position affect acceptability. Lingua, 166, 65-79.


Fadlon J. (2014). The psycholinguistics of derivational directionality: The transitive–unaccusative alternation. Proceedings of IATL 29th annual meeting. MIT working papers in linguistics


Fadlon J. (2011). Hidden entries: A psycholinguistic study of derivational gaps. In Everaert M., ‎Marelj M. & ‎Siloni T. (Eds.), The theta system: argument structure at the interface (pp. 200-226). Oxford University Press.


Fadlon J. (2009). The psychological reality of hidden lexical entries: Evidence from Hebrew. Proceedings of the seventeenth Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe, ConSOLE XVII.

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